The Westminster Foundation
To enrich the lives of the residents of Westminster Village North by funding programs and facilities that provide residents the opportunity to continue living happy, creative and fulfilling lives.
The Westminster Foundation was formed in 1982 – one year after the Westminster Village North community (WVN) became an independent not-for-profit corporation. The Foundation was created to perpetuate the Village’s ability to remain an unsurpassed retirement community, fully capable of meeting the growing needs of Seniors.
The Foundation’s support has brought numerous improvements and benefits to the Westminster Village North community. Investments such as a 20-passenger bus, Life Trails® Outdoor Fitness and Walking Trails Equipment, the Mary Newill Wellness Center, expanded sidewalks around the Village, as well as the new $1.5m Social Hall – all made possible by the Foundation.
The Board of Directors, made up of volunteers from the greater community and Village residents, meets quarterly. Funding for the Foundation comes from several sources; however, most comes from Westminster Village North residents and their families who contribute to make life better for all residents. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization; contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
For more information about The Westminster Foundation contact Erica Wilkinson, Foundation Coordinator, at or 317.823.6841, ext. 3460.
The Foundation goals are to:
- interact with Residents to learn how the Foundation can help make the WVN community a better place to live.
- help fund special religious, musical, social, artistic, educational, recreational and health care programs, projects and facilities.
- fund and assist with enrichment and leisure activities which promote and sustain a healthy mind, body & spirit.
- foster and promote educational programs and facilities especially designed to aid Residents in living happier, productive and more fulfilling lives.
- assist WVN in providing benevolent care for residents whose funds are now limited.
The Westminster Foundation Board of Directors:
- Linda Pendleton, President
- Tom Kaercher, Vice President
- Jack Levy, Treasurer
- Karen Woods, Secretary
- Thomas Fisher
- Carolyn Hardman
- Martha Jungclaus
- John Peer
To Support The Westminster Foundation, Please Donate Online
There are many ways to contribute:
- A check payable to The Westminster Foundation
- By credit card at the Donate Now! button above
- A Legacy Gift, arranged through your financial advisor
- A Memorial Gift, to honor the life of a loved one while enriching the lives of other WVN residents
Why I Give to The Westminster Foundation
News from The Foundation
Casino Night with the Foundation
September 28, 2023 The Westminster Foundation sponsored a Casino Night the evening of September 28th. Over 75 residents from Assisted Living and Independent Living enjoyed playing roulette, Blackjack and craps in the comfortable “Casino” setting of the Foundation...
National Assisted Living Week
September 14, 2023 In honor of National Assisted Living Week, The Westminster Foundation sponsored an elegant Italian feast for Assisted Living residents in the Foundation Social Hall on September 14th, catered by Kinsey’s Italian Café. The Foundation also provided...
Health Center Resident Fund
September 2023 The Westminster Foundation was pleased to present the staff of the Westminster Village North Health Center with a $500 check to help establish their Health Center Resident Fund. The HC staff and residents also held a Bake Sale to raise money for this...