Benevolent Gift to WVN

The Westminster Foundation’s Mission is “To enrich the lives of the residents of Westminster Village North”.  Another important objective of the Foundation is to assist Westminster Village North in providing benevolent care for WVN residents who have exhausted their...

Casino Night with the Foundation

September 28, 2023 The Westminster Foundation sponsored a Casino Night the evening of September 28th.  Over 75 residents from Assisted Living and Independent Living enjoyed playing roulette, Blackjack and craps in the comfortable “Casino” setting of the Foundation...

National Assisted Living Week

September 14, 2023 In honor of National Assisted Living Week, The Westminster Foundation sponsored an elegant Italian feast for Assisted Living residents in the Foundation Social Hall on September 14th, catered by Kinsey’s Italian Café.  The Foundation also provided...

Health Center Resident Fund

September 2023 The Westminster Foundation was pleased to present the staff of the Westminster Village North Health Center with a $500 check to help establish their Health Center Resident Fund.  The HC staff and residents also held a Bake Sale to raise money for this...